November 26, 2006

Bush Is The Decider - Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo...

I am the Egghead, I'm the Commander,
I'm the Decider, Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo!

George Bush meets the Beatles. Funny, funny stuff. Just go here to listen to it. It's classic.

And many thanks to Paul for sharing. Your songs and lyrics are great, my friend!

I'm The Decider (Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo)

I am me and Rummy's he, Iraq is free and we are all together.
See the world run when Dick shoots his gun, see how I lie.
I'm Lying...

Sitting on my own brain, waiting for the end of days.
Corporation profits, Bloody oil money.
I'm above the law and I'll decide what's right or wrong.

I am the egg head, I'm the Commander, I'm the Decider.

Baghdad city policeman sitting
Pretty little targets in a row.
See how they die when the shrapnel flies see mothers cry.
I'm Lying...I'm Ly-ing...I'm Lying...I'm Ly-ing

Yellow cake uranium, imaginary WMD's.
Declassifying facts, exposing secret agents,
Tax cuts for the wealthy leaving all the poor behind.


Sitting in the White house garden talking to the Lord.
My thoughts would be busy busy hatching,
If I only had a brain.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, that is great. What an egghead Bush is for sure.

    Take care,


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