So how's your week been? Hopefully it's been much better than mine, which has been extremely stressful and hectic!
I don't have a whole lot of time to get into the details now, so here's a quick "chronological breakdown" of what's happened so far this week...
1. One of my best friends, who is like a dear sister to me (the sister I never had), was admitted to the emergency room earlier this week. But the good news is that she's fine now. Thank goodness! Long story short, she has Lupus, which at times leads to a whole slew of issues and complications and things that the rest of us are glad we don't ever have to deal with.
She's actually the reason I
donated my car to charity rather than selling it or trading it in when I bought my new car a couple of months back. By donating my car, a portion of its value went to the charity of my choice, which of course is the
Lupus Foundation of America. So if you're looking for a very worthwhile charity, please do consider this one! :)
2. My dad was
also admitted to the emergency room...just yesterday! For goodness sakes! But the good news is that he seems to be fine now as well. He's still in the hospital, however, but hopefully (fingers crossed) he'll be well enough to go home tomorrow...provided that everything goes according to plan.
*If you'd like to a "Get well soon!" message to my dad, just leave it in a comment and I'll make sure that he sees it. I know it'll make his day! :)3. I was in a car accident today. Rear ended...while stopped at a stop sign! Go figure. But if that's not bad enough, the guy who rear ended me...as it turns out...HAS NO CAR INSURANCE! Yep, it appears that "Juan's" policy was canceled some time ago. Gee, how surprisingly nice.
This is a common problem, especially here in Florida. Uninsured motorists continually game the system. And they do it just like this:
They buy a policy so they can get their vehicle registration...but then they only make the first, initial payment, and that's it. So their policy is quickly canceled. But the state doesn't know that! So if you get into an accident with one of them then you end up paying for it out of
your own darn pocket.
Sure, your insurance will cover the damages, but if you have a deductible (like most people), you have to pay it. And in this case, the deductible is
$500. Nice. All this so Juan the f-tard can drive illegally on our Florida roads.
Grrrrrrrrr!Yeah, so I'm still pretty ticked off. But what really gets me is that I wasn't just out on a simple joyride all by myself when he slammed into me (us). I was on my way to a park with my best friend's (see #1)
two-year-old daughter for an afternoon of playing and exploration and fun.
And she was sooo excited to be going to the park. Even after the accident (once she had calmed down), while the police and firemen were completing their accident reports, she repeatedly said to them, "Park, park. I go to park. Aaron and me go to park and plaaay!" The poor dear thought we were still going to the park! :(
And for the rest of the afternoon it was much the same thing. Park, park, park. Also accompanied by: Firetruck, street sweeper, tow truck, car had accident, car has boo-boo, Aaron has boo-boo on head, car go boom, etc.
So that's that. And now my neck is tight and sore and Juan's Nationwide policy is as useless as tits on a boar. Just perfect. Yeah, so how was your week? Like I said, I hope it's been much better than mine! :P