As many people know, FeedBlitz is a service that monitors blogs, RSS feeds and Web URLs in order to provide a greater reach for feed publishers.
FeedBlitz also enables you to monitor any blog or feed (anonymously if you like) regardless of whether or not the publisher of that feed uses FeedBlitz. And that in itself provides a very simple way for you to receive updates via a familiar and omnipresent medium... email.
In addition to a FeedBurner site feed, I also utilize FeedBlitz. And I can certainly say that I've enjoyed its benefits. And apparently, so have over 1,000,000 other fine folks thus far...
FeedBlitz Makes 1,000,000 Milestone
Actually, this morning it was 1,037,940....
So. Only 6 days ago we passed the 900,000 mark, and today I am thrilled to announce that our active circulation (the number of reader - subscription pairs) has handily passed a million, less than 14 months after we first launched with a circulation of, well, zero. This month alone we're up 26% so far. Welcome to all.
I'll cover some more metrics in the September round up next week (here's last month's), but given the momentous nature of this moment, I'm offering a few nuggets to give you insight into some of what makes up that seven figure number:
- Our largest publisher has over 100,000 readers
- Our top ten publishers account for nearly 400,000
- The next thirteen have circulation greater than 10,000
- After these, the next eighty have circulation of 1,000 or more, with 16 more in the 900 range
- So it's a long tail, of course.
But what does this circulation growth mean? It means that email is an essential communications component for RSS, bloggers and their readership. It means that the technical and economic opportunities created by uniting RSS and email are compelling for publishers and marketers. It means that this is a business, not a hobby (and definitely not a "build to flip"). It means our business plan and our business model are proving themselves in the market. It means we're very, very good at what we do.
Web 2.0? Check. Bubble 2.0? Not so much. No need to go there again.