September 2, 2006

FeedBlitz Circulation Surpasses 800,000...

The FeedBlitz Blitz!

As most people these days know, FeedBlitz is a service that monitors blogs, RSS feeds and Web URLs in order to provide a greater reach for feed publishers.

FeedBlitz also enables you to monitor any blog or feed (anonymously if you like) regardless of whether or not the publisher of that feed uses FeedBlitz. And that in itself provides a very simple way for you to receive updates via a familiar and omnipresent medium... email.

In addition to a FeedBurner site feed, I also utilize FeedBlitz. And I can certainly say that I've enjoyed its benefits. And apparently, so have over 822,000 other fine folks thus far...

FeedBlitz News:

"Circulation passes 800,000; grows 17%

The dog days of August were good to us at FeedBlitz. Active circulation grew from about 700,000 to over 822,000 at the end of the month, representing nearly 17.5% growth in just 31 days, or double July's rate. Welcome to everyone who joined last month.

All this activity was also reflected in the site metrics. As I mentioned in the July summary, I expected to "crush" the July metrics in August. And so we did. The month saw 399,816 visits (up 73% from July's 230,850 value), and page views broke the one million barrier for the first time (1,025,494, up 38% from July's 743,804 total)."

Awesome. Congratulations FeedBlitz. And keep up the good work you crazy nuts! :)

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