September 4, 2006

Die Google AdSense?

"Die Google AdSense"
Was Google AdSense Hacked?

Here's something kinda funny. The other day a colleague of mine called me in somewhat of a panic after she had logged into her Google AdSense account in order to check her stats.

But when she had logged in, instead of reaching her account like usual, her browser was redirected to a different page. And on that page she quickly read the three words, "Die Google AdSense."

So naturally, she thought Google AdSense had been hacked into and pretty much freaked out. OK, I know, so you're probably thinking what's funny about that?

Well, to give you a clue, here's what the page actually said:

"Die Google AdSense-Website ist vorübergehend nicht verfügbar. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Wir entschuldigen uns für eventuell enstandene Unannehmlichkeiten."

Translation? "The Google AdSense website is temporarily unavailable. Please try back later. We apologize for any inconvenience."

You see, Google was simply down for a bit. Her eyes only caught the German words, "Die Google AdSense," totally missing the English message that was right above it! Go figure.

So, I guess the lesson learned here is: No matter if you're in a fire, in an accident, or simply checking your Google AdSense account... DO NOT PANIC! ;)


  1. That is funny! I mean, once you realize that "Die Google AdSense" does not really mean DIE.

    Thanks for the good laugh Aaron. And Happy Birthday too btw!

  2. Or you could learn some basic words in foreign languages.

  3. Why yes one could learn some basic words in foreign languages. But thanks so much for pointing out such a painfully obvious option.


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