May 23, 2007

Rich Jerk Not So Rich After All?

It looks like the Rich Jerk might not be living up to his own name - the "Rich" part, that is. As for the "Jerk" part, I dunno. Shoemoney recently posted that the Rich Jerk (Kelly Felix) is selling his entire business operation in order to avoid bankruptcy. Interesting.

About a week ago Shoemoney received an email stating that Rich Jerk was selling his whole business for $8 million. At first he figured it was just spam, but yesterday a trusted source verified the story. The source also added that Kelly had blown a lot of investors' money by buying advertising on Howard Stern and fake commercial and TV spots to make it appear as if he was really rich. Whether that's actually true or not, I don't know.

Nonetheless, he really is selling. His business is currently listed for sale on BizQuest. The reason for selling is listed as, "Multiple owners looking to work on various projects, separately." Hmm, interesting. It sounds like some people aren't getting along.


  1. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Wow, didn't see that one coming. Bet he feels like a REAL jerk now.

  2. Yeah, I guess he had it coming to him!

    And I’d be surprised if they get anywhere near what they’re asking for it. Imagine trying to sell that product now that the word is out that they’re actually broke. Ouch!

    Shine on,

  3. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    I always knew there was a reason I didn't like that guy. What an a-hole.

  4. AnonymousMay 24, 2007

    Jerky, jerky, jerky, jerky, jerky. That's all I have to say him. :P

  5. Wow, tough crowd tonight! Ha ha.


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