June 30, 2007

Hats Made Out Of Meat? Yes, These Are True Meatheads

Just when think you've seen it all. Ah, but then something like this comes along. Meat hats. Yes, you read that correctly. Meat hats...as in hats made out of meat. Yes, hats. And yes, real meat. I swear, this world just gets stranger and stranger every day!

Hats of Meat - The Bologna Fedora

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  1. Very interesting, and very funny! But I imagine these meat-hats are not the most fragrant of hats, despite the herbs, especially after a nice day in the sun.

  2. Good point Danielle. :) It doesn't matter how many sprigs of Rosemary there are, there'd be no masking that smell!

    Shine on,


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