June 21, 2007

Will Ferrell On George Bush On Global Warming

For a little mid-week humor, here's a video that really had me laughing my ass off...especially the pop-up book part. Hysterical! It doesn't get much funnier than this. At least that's what I think.

Will Ferrell On George Bush On Global Warming


  1. AnonymousJune 21, 2007

    Hi. I find this website through Google searching. Very nice for me! This video of Mr. Bush is most funny. I laugh very much. I think Mr. Bush is very not smart in all the days he lives. He is very much stupid.


  2. Hello Augustus. And welcome to my blog! It's nice to have you visit here. :)

    And yes, I agree. He's a total moron, in my opinion. By far one of the least-intelligent, least-knowledgeable leaders this world has seen in a very, very long time. And it's quite sad.

    Anyway, thanks for visiting from so far across the seas. Do come again sometime soon.

    Shine on,

  3. AnonymousJune 21, 2007

    Will Ferrell's George Bush was one of the funniest impersonations of all time. Great to see this video again Aaron

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  5. Ambrish - Thanks so much for visiting. Wishing you much success with your blog and web sites.

    Shine on,

  6. Freaking funny! They could probably replace Bush with some bumbling comedian and no one would know the difference. :) Very dead on.

  7. Hey Danielle, thanks for dropping by! And you're probably right...except that a bumbling comedian wouldn't make so many world enemies I'm sure. ;)

    Shine on,

  8. AnonymousJune 23, 2007


    I can`t stop laughing hahahhhahahhahahahahahhahah

    I only hope gwb will vanish.

    The guy who play as bush forgot to "loose" his watch, as bush in Albania mwuahahahhahaha (still bush had it on left arm and this one on right one ..)

  9. Valentin - I totally agree. And I noticed that about the watch too. Your blog was where I first saw that video of him in Albania. :)

    Listikal - Thanks man. Without a doubt this has to be the best one I've seen. I'm not a huge Will Ferrell fan, but this thing is classic. It's spot on in every way. Glad you enjoyed seeing it again. It brings many laughs.

    Shine on,


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Shine on,