July 15, 2006

The MLM Blog Welcomes Aaron Cook...

The MLM Blog Welcomes Aaron Cook

Well, I've been keeping this somewhat "under wraps" for quite some time now... ever since the end of May, actually. As George Costanza would say... I put it, "in the vault." :P

Back in May I was asked by Ty Tribble to write for the MLM Blog, which I officially started doing today. And it's definitely an honor to do so.

Now, in case you don't know about the MLM Blog, it's actually the Internet's original MLM blog. It was founded way back in 2003 by TY Tribble and thrives today as one of the main and most-visited MLM blogs. Ty himself is also the one who runs the MultiLeveler blog. Definitely a cool dude.

So I'm certainly honored to be a regular contributor to the MLM Blog. And I'd like to say thanks again Ty for having me. :)


  1. AnonymousJuly 17, 2006

    Wow that's grat Aaron. Congrats! Ty has a good set of blogs there. It's cool you could be a part of it.

  2. Aaron,

    You rock! Congrats. Ty made a good choice in asking you to contribute.


  3. Aw, shucks guys. Thanks so much for the kind words. They're very much appreciated. Very much so.

    Best always,


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Shine on,