August 17, 2007

Friday Night's Alright For Link Love! - Batch 2

Since my first Friday Night's Alright for Link Love! post was so well received, I've decided to make it a weekly addition to this blog.

So every Friday night...before I go out...I'm going to take the time to give some well-deserved link love to my wonderful blogging friends out there. Sound good? Well, I certainly hope so!

First up: Mike of Ordinary Folk. I'd like to thank Mike for bestowing upon me the Daily Blogger Award. Many thanks Mike. I appreciate it! :)

Now, if you've never been to Mike's blog before, then by all means, get your butt over there. And if you have, then get your butt over there again!

Oh yeah...and keep your sights locked on this guy. I guarantee that sometime in the very near future we'll be reading about him in the newspapers and such. There's no doubt in my mind that his Gummy - The Lovesick Alien cartoon will be picked up soon and become famous. :)

Next up: Bobby Revell of Revellian. What can I say? I have a lot of respect for this guy, even though I've only recently met him as a blogger.

Bobby is one of those rare individuals who happily puts others before himself. He cares very much about those around him. He looks out for them. He defends them. But when he's not out protecting their honor, he's exercising his creative side.

Bobby's been a writer for all of his life. He's written over 300 poems, hundreds of haikus and about 50 fiction stories. He sees art as way to honestly express himself. But what really drives him is helping to break down the barriers of race and religion. As Bobby says, "My biggest, most bothersome annoyance in life is racism. I for one believe that blogging and the social networks are doing a lot to combat this ridiculous problem. I see it helping more than any other single factor in history."

So be sure to make Revellian one of your regular reads. I guarantee that you won't regret it.

Speedlinking - August 17, 2007

OK, I'm running short on time here before I have to head out the door. So here's a quick list of posts that are interesting:

Five4All - Valentin's post One Video Clip, Plenty Of Meanings is sure to tickle your funny bone. It's a video clip of Monty Python's "International Philosophy" sketch where German philosophers take on Greek philosophers in a game of football (soccer for us Americans).

If you've never seen Plato, Socrates and Aristotle play soccer before, then now is your chance!

Brown Thoughts - Brown Baron's post Hollywood Movies Contribute To Ignorance Of Real Science? has sparked up a nice bit of conversation. So why not join in? At the very least, just drop by to say hello. Brown will enjoy it, and you'll be sure to find something very useful on his blog.

Pink Internet Marketing - Searching for God? You know...the almighty, omnipotent one? Well, Danielle's found him! And now you can actually chat with! But just don't ask him about dogs, and whether or not they go to heaven. Seems he doesn't know the answer to that one. But hey, at least he's willing to find out. See: Searching For God In Google.

Tech Corner - Want to add a little life to your blog? Then how about a voice? Benedict Herold's post Transform Your Blog Into Podcast Using Autocasting will show you how to do just that. As Benedict points out, "Podcasting would allow readers to listen to your post while they are working in parallel. Thus it would help the author to convey their complete story to their reader rather than readers scanning the post text."

Bush Mackel - Increasing AdSense Revenues. Sheesh, need I say more? Well, just in case I do, here's what I have to say...Well worth the read! These tips that Bush got from one of the biggest AdSense gurus are great...and they're simple. So if you want to increase your AdSense earnings, here are some things to keep in mind.


  1. Actualy, on first sight, I was feeling sorry for germany coz of K. Marx .. who`ll see the sketch, will find out they were defeated after K.M. comes in the field to "play" ..

    Which I found is supporting my "Irony kills Tirany" theory .. :-)

    Thanks for notice me, bro, I`ll remember you :-P

    ps : don`t miss the


  2. LOL. You're quite welcome Valentin! And yes, I had seen that post. It was a good one! :)

  3. I like the blogger intros before the speedlinks. That's a great touch. Thanks for the mention!

  4. Thanks Brown! I was hoping to have enough time to equally feature everyone tonight, but unfortunately, I didn't.

    So I added the Speedlinking portion to my post. That way, I could give out as much link love as possible in the limited amount of time I had.

    Shine on,

  5. Hello, I was just working on a 'comment hugs' post for my blog when I browsed to your page.I love writing about other bloggers as well.I feel that one of the ways a blogger builds friends and support is by talking about other bloggers who he feels are cool.I love your blogging style, its great. Have a wonderful weekend

  6. Wow Aaron, I am truly honoured, thank you very much! I think all the folks you cose in your link love post are great picks and possibly the superstars of Tomorrow. I have a feeling your blog is going to among many bright new faces ready to give the blogging world a much needed reality check and new energy:) We all are part of a movement of combining good stories, personal blogging and business. I believe people want more than straight, dry information. Your blog definetly has personality and that's what seperates the exciting from the drab - you shine on Aaron:)

  7. Jesse: Thanks so much for the kind words. And I agree, blogging about other bloggers is great. It benefits those you write about as well as the readers who can discover something new.

    Bobby: Wow, thanks Bobby! I think that's the best compliment I've ever gotten about this blog. :) That just made my day wonderful.

    Shine on,

  8. Thanks a lot for the nod Aaron! That was one of my favorite posts to date and I hope at some point in the future I go back to it and update it as necessary.

  9. Hey Aaron! I am really happy that no one got offended by my post - I was worried as I usually avoid religious discussions at all times because my beliefs are sometimes offensive to people. And I did not want people to think I was making light of god in my post.

    Ditto with what Bobby said. :D

  10. Bush: You're welcome Bush. Glad I picked a post you like. Be sure to let me know when you do your update and I'll link to it again. :)

    Danielle: Thanks! And don't worry, I think most people with a brain know that you weren't making light of it. And I'm with ya on the religious thing. To date I haven't posted anything related to religion either. Stuff like that usually ends up with people getting offended or defensive and trying to brainwash me into believing what they believe. I find that to be a most tedious experience.

    Anyway, the way I look at it is if someone gets offended, it's their "choice" to be offended. We're all adults and we shouldn't have to walk on eggshells...especially on our blogs!

    Shine on,

  11. well here are some of my favorite people in the blogosphere! i didnt know about that situation with Marzie and im still a little shocked on why would someone pick on her! but im really proud in the way that Bobby defended her, she sure deserved some love after the incident!

  12. Hi Confessing7Girl. Yes, he did a good thing...the right thing. We need more of that in this world.

    Thanks for visiting again! :)

    Shine on,

  13. Thanks for that, Aaron! I appreciate the kind words :) I sure hope some day my comic is fortunate enough to make it into a paper or two. That would pretty much make me the happiest person on the planet ;P

  14. You're quite welcome Mike. Here's to you becoming the happiest person on the planet! :)

    Shine on,


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Shine on,