October 19, 2007

Will It Blend? - Chuck Norris!

Since Saturday night's alright for fighting (at least according to Bernie Taupin and Elton John), I declare that Friday night's alright for blending! Well, blending and fighting, that is. At least in this case, anyway. So let's get on with it!

Here's the latest Will It Blend? video. It stars Tom Dickson, Chuck Norris (sorta) and several "bad guys".

So...will Chuck Norris be defeated by the bad guys? Will Chuck Norris blend? Or will he deliver a few smashing roundhouse kicks and come out totally unscathed? Well, just watch and see...

Will It Blend? - Chuck Norris

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  1. Awesome, first one to comment! :D As always that was a very entertaining video. I like the sound effects they added to it. Very funny.

  2. Hi Oscar! Yeah, I got a "kick" out of them too. :) My favorite part was the end when they raised him up by a string out of the heap of blended bad guys. I wasn't expecting that and almost snorted my drink out of my nose. :P

    Thanks for the visit buddy. Hope you're having an awesome weekend! :)

    Shine on,

  3. That Chuck, he's one bad a$$!

  4. @Mark: You said it! :P And like Tom said, "There are only two kinds of bad guys in the world: the ones that live...and the ones that meet Chuck Norris."

    LOL. I think it's safe to say that our friend Tom is a Chuck Norris fan. ;)

    Shine on,

  5. Aaron...I cant really comment here, as I can NEVER watch videos on anyones site, due to isp problems :(
    Still, your site is one of my favourites, videos or no videos! You rock a whole lot....keep on inspiring as you always do :)

  6. oh,and a grand weekend to you too,Aaron ! Almost forgot :)

  7. Hi Jesse! I hope you get those ISP problems fixed so yo can enjoy some good videos! :) What's the issue with it?

    And thanks for the awesome comment! Right back atchya, Darlin'! :)

    Shine on,

  8. Ah, another awesome Will It Blend video. Love it Aaron! :D

    LOL...."Will Chuck Norris blend? Or will he deliver a few smashing roundhouse kicks and come out totally unscathed?"

  9. Ha ha, glad you got a kick out of it Tom. Hope you're having an awesome weekend buddy! :)

    Shine on,

  10. Chuck might be in his fifties but I still wouldn't want to feel the heel of his cowboy boots breaking all my pristine ribs!!!!! Very funny video!!!

  11. Neither would I Bobby. Neither would I. ;)

  12. My dad has told me for years that Chuck Norris is THE MAN. I can remember being a young girl and my dad saying "Are you gonna watch Walker with me?"

    Now I understand why my father is such a huge fan. Chuck Norris can't blend :)

  13. Hi Erina! You should definitely share this video with your Dad then. I'm sure he'd get a "kick" out of it. ;)

    Will he blend? No, Chuck Norris will NOT blend! LOL.

    Shine on,


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Shine on,